Tuesday, January 31, 2023

~:[CH12 - Day 31]:~ Sleepwalking in Seattle

~:[CH12 - Day 31]:~ Sleepwalking in Seattle

The sea lion wasn't actually yawning, but I was. I've been a little stressed about this day for awhile as it was a combination of; will everyone get up, will we successfully make it to the train station, will we have all the correct documents and will our hotel reservations be all set? Everyone woke up on time and we successfully planned our group split to take two separate buses to make it to the station. The check in process was smooth, we got delayed in the train a bit, but we successfully crossed the border. Due to the delay, we sped up our day and did a bag drop and then quickly headed out to the aquarium. We ended up with just the right amount of time to explore the aquarium before heading to eat along Robson. After all the adrenaline of the day wore off, I could feel myself yawning and the fatigue of the day catch up with me, however, we made it. They all enjoyed their time at the aquarium and dinner and as always, the hotel was super nice. I know we will definitely have an exhausting next few days, but for now, I can say I made it despite having to sleepwalk from Seattle to Vancouver. We're in Canada, eh!

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